Thursday, October 5, 2017


This world,

it seems like there is and has been so much hate and sadness in the world broadcasted here lately...

too much to even think about and want to know about because it is just sad...

but I know for sure, that there is way more good because of people like my friend Leah Stuart!

People are truly good at heart. Want to look out for others. Want to be there and do whatever it takes to protect and love strangers. There are good people! More than 'bad!'

Today, my sweet friend Leah surprised me with the most beautiful flowers that she picked from her garden! It absolutely made my day! Just when I could have used a 'pick me up'....she came in with them and it just was the sweetest and most thoughtful little thing and was so huge to me!

There are so many 'Leah's' in the world and I am thankful that she is my friend and I know her! :)

Last night the girls made these cute Candy Corn pictures! They loved making them and I love helping them too at Church!
 Today was 'blue' day for this little one! I hated that the picture is blurry!
We had a fun 'girls' lunch today with some of my co-workers to celebrate Kristi's birthday! Love these ladies like family and enjoyed our 'girls' lunch!
Linda, Jennifer, me, Kristi, Tricia and Jan. Tammy, Phyllis and Leah didnt want to take a picture! ha! :)
And...LOOK at these beautiful flowers! I starred at them all day! I just loved them and it was the sweetest thing!
 These yellow dahlia's are gorgeous!...and HUGE! I cant get over how big they are. They dont look real...and this picture doesnt do them justice! Im in love! I came home from work telling Tyler we are planting some of these in our yard!! :) :)
Tonight marks the season premier of I would say, it has been an awesome day! :)

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