Sunday, October 15, 2017

Weekend whirl!

This weekend has been a whirl!

Hogan has been in the hospital since having a heart attack. His open heart surgery went well but he has been pulling out all of his tubes and therefore loosing blood. Not sure on a time frame on when he is going to get to go home. Prayers needed for him, Nannie and his family.

We had a low key weekend and of course, it went by too fast!

These two sweet little friends! We had good ole Baja before the game...and the Fritts came in so we traded kids! We got Callie and they got Alexis! They were in FULL convo mode on their walk in the game! :) :)
Alexis was with this crew and they were having fun at the run thru line!
 We headed to the JSU game after Alexis had her game on Saturday.! The story of our lives these days and I love it! Daddy and Lily didnt go to Ragland {it isnt a very nice field} and I am glad they didnt because they had a huge bee problem and there were alot of people stung during the 3 games {C, B and A team games} so I didnt even take any pictures! I was just trying to make it during the game by watching and yelling at all of my girls to watch out and run from bees! The boys fought hard but lost too so it wasnt a very fun event to think about pictures.
I didnt take any pictures of the JSU game either but it was a fun game and a perfection of an afternoon to watch it. The weather was overcast and it was nice out! We didnt make it in time for me to go out on the field.........and to be honest, I was too tired to try and make it and get more dressed up than what I wore so I didnt walk out with all of my co-workers and students. They recognized JSU Nursing since this year marks 50 years of Nursing. I pulled this picture of the faculty, staff, students and alumni that walked out. There was a pretty big I dont think they missed me! :) And..I supported from the stands! :) JSU had a big win! Unfortunately, we went to Cecils after half-time and I came home and crashed! I have a sinus infection trying to we caught up on the Auburn game. I dont know how Auburn can be up so many points and then loose?!.......but that is what happened against LSU. LSU isnt even good this year! Boo!
 We had Church this I took some 'spooky' snaps of the girls before we left!
Lily cracks me up!
Two sassy girls!
She loves this dress! She tries to wear it every Sunday! :)
This sassy thing!
SK came home with us and played after Church and before Callie's birthday. They all chose Effinas for lunch. While we were there...they were all excited that Alexis found a rock! I love how our little community is doing the 'Jacksonville Rocks' group where they paint the rocks and hides them throughout Jacksonville! Alexis re-hid it before we left! :)
Sweet Callie is 6! We spent the rest of the afternoon riding horses, taking a hayride, playing, eating food,chatting and fishing before heading home and straight into the bath because we were stinky and dirty! :)
Lily loved riding Shadow!
And so did Alexis!
Sweet friends on Callie's big birthday!

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