Saturday, October 21, 2017

End of the season and Fall fun!

We ended our regular season games in a HUGE way!

It was a blow out win and the girls blew the cheer and half-time routine out of the water!

I am beyond excited for our competition and so ready to watch these girls shine! I have so very much enjoyed this season and love how hard these girls have worked!

We beat the Mt Rams, in the heat, then headed over to Aunt Pam's for some Fall fun!

We watched football, did a Fall scavenger hunt, painted rocks and more! It was a fun afternoon just sitting by the water and enjoying the day!

The girls ended up spending the night with Gran so Tyler and I enjoyed a date night with Mexican and a little shopping and right now we are curled up watching the Auburn vs Arkansas game. As I type this...Auburn is winning in the 2nd. Oh I hope they keep it up! :)
See the upcoming post for the Fall fun at Aunt Pam's!

These sweet girls! They are the bestest of friends! I love watching these crazy three have fun together!
Look at the just last year! My goodness how they have changed in a year! :) :)
Love these ladies/coaches! :)
Tierra {Imani's Mom}, Danielle {Chloe's Mom} and Beth {Addie's Mom}..and me! :)
Lily bug loves wearing Alexis' old uniform! She looks sooo cute in it! cute! :)
These two! :)
They were awesome today during the half-time performance! So proud of them!

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