Friday, October 13, 2017

Want to know about me?!

I saw this post idea and thought it was neat to Im doing it!

My name is Mommy.....Momma...or as Alexis sometimes says when she doesnt want to do something I tell her....... Momm-UH. Yeah, the last one isnt my favorite! :)

So, because I am just known as 'Mommy,' sometimes it is taken that Mommy 'doesnt have feelings..or any 'likes.' So....what do I like?? I a real human like everyone else???... :) :)

do I like things, do I have feelings? Believe it or not, I am not just 'Mommy!' :)

Years from now when my two read back on 'year's past,' I want them to know me...that I am more than just 'Mommy!'


here goes!.............. :) :)

5 Things that I just love:

1. Cucumbers! I do, I just love them! I love them with Thousand Island or Catalina salad dressing ONLY. It is always a toss up to me as to which dressing I will use when I cut that cucumber! :) Sometimes...I even eat all of one and then finish the cucumber off with the other! :) Alexis and Lily have developed a love of cucumbers too! They get it honest! :)
2. Fall in the air! Though we havent had much 'Fall' weather lately.........I still love that 'feeling' of Fall. Specifically, give me ALLLLL the pumpkins! :) :)
3.Cooking for my family! I love to cook...and have the girls help me when I cook most times and its a favorite. We have a very busy schedule but I still cook before we have to run out of the house! I hope that a memory of the girls {one day} is me standing in the kitchen {with it smelling so yummy} welcoming them in to do homework and chat as they come home from school once their Daddy picks them up! :)
4. Curling up under my blanket! {My blanket is super comfy!} :) Once all the day's duties are complete.....I love to curl up under my blanket, as Im in my chair, {and Tyler is in his} and relax as the girls sleep!
5. Seeing my present and past little cheerleaders run up to me and throw their arms around me in a hug! I just love that want to give me a hug and I just love them all!

5 Things that make me sad:

1. Anything that I know Pops would have loved to see or do with me and my little family. Even when a movie comes on and it reminds me of something of him, it makes me sad. I miss Pops!
2.Addiction. The word addiction....and everything that comes with it...makes me sick to my stomach. It is so sad, to me, how addiction can take and take and take!
3.Not being able to help a little sweet boy that used to go to our Church, and to the Community Center with the girls in the afternoon, that has a big tumor on his neck. I wish I could take it away for him!
4.Wanting to take in and steal kids that I coach...or see at Church that need loving parents. Kids who are in shelters or ones that need adopting, who need love. It makes me sad for innocent kids who have to live the life they are in without their control.
5.Lying. It makes me sad {and mad} when people lie. Honesty is always the best policy. The truth may hurt for a minute but a lie brings so much more heartache in the long run!

5 Things or people that make me bust out laughing:

1.Lily! She is the most hilarious person I have ever met! :)
2.Tyler. Specifically when he does his 'Raptor' moves...or when he does his interpretation of the Auburn Drum line leaders when they arch their backs and kick their feet high in the air! I die out laughing at this sight of him doing his version! :)
3.Tricia. My secretary...or I guess I should say former secretary now that she has moved on up with us! She just cracks me up with her jokes...and with her expressions of people. I hurt from laughing! :)
4.The Goldbergs TV show. I love this show and I laugh SO hard at every episode! OH it is so funny!!
5.Meagan Alley Murphy! AKA Meg! Oh, her wise cracks and just her....she makes me laugh so hard! :) :)

5 Things that are my favorite:

1.McDonald's sweet tea. Hands down will forever be the greatest tea in all of America! :) Yes, is the best of the best when needing to know all things from Hollywood to what actually goes on in America! :)
3.My blog! Yep, it is a big favorite and better than any other blogs around! :)
4.Candles! Specifically Bath and Body Works! Give me all the candles and I will be happy!
5.Summer Oldies Radio on Pandora! Hello Frankie Valli, Louis Armstrong, The Eagles!

5 Things that I can NOT live without!

1.Going to Church. I love our Church! I love to belt out the songs on Sunday morning like I can sing like Carrie Underwood too! :)
2. My little family of 4....and my extended family!
3.Auburn Football! Enough said! :)
4.My toes in the sand! I have to have my toes in the sand at least once a year. I prefer more..but know that is hard to do!
5.Mascara and my eyeliner! Not going to lie............I have to have them. I dont care what else I have or dont mascara and eyeliner come with me everywhere! :) :)

So, now you know a little about me! I hope that one day Alexis and Lily get a 'kick' out of 'knowing Mommy!' :) :)
 Yeah...Alexis and Lily will get a 'kick out' of my Snapchat pictures too! One day I will be sooo embarrassing! :) ha! :)

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