Sunday, October 22, 2017

Painting fun!

Alexis and I had a blast this afternoon!

We painted together!..........


she painted...and I looked on as she painted the cutest witch!

Alexis loves all things drawing, writing, coloring..painting! I dont know where she gets it from because I am not artistic at all....and Tyler isnt either but she is SO good at it!

We went to Hillcrest today to check out their new preacher and hung out with Nan and Pawpaw before heading to Tre Ragazzi's in Gadsden to get the girls from Gran and Ben since they spent the night with them. It was our first time eating there and it was really good! Then we came home and cleaned up before Alexis and I headed to the Square for painting fun! We are back home it is 5:30 and it is dark and about to storm outside. Perfect time to be home and all curled up! We are about to watch Hocus Pocus for the 2nd time this weekend too! Perfection! :)

Ready to paint! Paintology, on the square, is a cute little painting place! I have been wanting to paint there since forever and so today was a perfect day to let Lex do it!
Caroline and her Mom signed up to paint also! Alexis was soooooo excited to have Caroline paint with her! They had so much fun!
They all look so cute!
Lex's witch and Caroline's witch!
My girl and I! I love spending time with her............and her sister too! Alexis said she cant wait to come back again and paint something else! She kept pointing out all of them on the walls and saying that she wanting to do them all! :)

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