Saturday, October 7, 2017

All the Fall feels!


it is feeling a little like Fall around here!

One day it will...and then the next day it will be a scorching high 80's!

Nonetheless, we are loving Fall and loving all the pumpkins...Fall JSU volleyball games, and fests!

We had Cooter Browns before a full evening of JSU volleyball yesterday to mark our Friday night and start to our weekend! We love watching the girls play!
Lily checking out the competition! :)
After the game today us girls headed to Oxford to do some shopping and check out Oxfordfest! Alexis had a project in Social Studies where she learned about historical events, places, etc in the state of Alabama. She learned about the BIG chair that is right by us in Anniston! It is the biggest chair in the state! {In fact, I think it might be the biggest chair anywhere!} ha! anyways, I told her that the next time we were in that area, that I would take her by to see it!
So, here she is! By the big chair! :) I have shown the girls this before but I guess neither one remembered because they both were pretty amazed today! :)
Then to Oxfordfest! We actually got there when it was pretty much over so we didnt stay long since everyone was in the process of packing up. We took a quick stroll around and enjoyed the music first before leaving. The girls were super excited to spot the Fritts girls while we were there so we talked to them for a little bit!
Tyler was shocked that I didnt come home with anything! :)
We picked up these cute {and cheap} Halloween color boards while we were out and the girls had fun the rest of the afternoon coloring them when we got back home!
We got home...caught up on the big Auburn win against Ole Miss and crashed! We got a lot of 'Fall feels' in and it was a full day! :)

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