Monday, October 30, 2017

Kittystone's Trunk or Treat!

The girls had so much fun tonight at Kittystone's 2nd annual Trunk or Treat!

We got there just at the perfect timing to beat the crowd but still work our way back to our car while seeing and saying 'hi' to friends!

Alexis had gym class at 6:30 so we made it just in time after the trunk or treat!

So, GET this!! We went to the Rocket to eat before the Trunk or Treat.......and LOOK who just so happened to be eating there!?!?!
Here's the scoop!
So, he was sitting with a friend eating at the booth right where we walked in. I was standing in line with Tyler and the girls...and both girls were just going back and forth..and back and forth..and back and forth with me for what they wanted. First Lily said she wanted chicken fingers..then she said no, she wanted a hamburger...then Alexis said she wanted chicken fingers...then a hamburger with everything on it...then Lily said she wanted a ' cheeseburger with JUST a bun, meat and ketchup ONLY, Mommy.' At this point....I hear laughing like crazy...and Lily looks over at him {who is doing the laughing} and as she looks at him.....he looks at her, as he is laughing, and starts saying 'No, no...okay so yes, you are getting a hamburger with everything on it!' {Joking because how Lily specifically was saying JUST a bun, etc etc} I was facing forward and not looking at him BUT as soon as he started talking.........
I knew that voice in a second!
I turned around and started laughing and I said 'Hey, I know you!!' 'Youre famous!' And, he just grinned from ear to ear! I said 'You are Southern Momma!' ha! And he said, 'Why yes I am!'
Too cool!!
I have a feeling Im going to be the highlight of one of his next hilarious skits! 'Southern Momma on how to get your kids to order out at restaurants!' :)
We saw these sweet girls when we were walking in so we walked around with them! :)
There were some really good trunks!!
And fun games too!
Lex and Carmen! Both of them had to Trunk or Treat fast to get ready and go to gym class! :)
So sweet! Please pray for this sweet 'JoJo with the Bow-bow Jaycee.' She was her normal happy and full of life and sweetness Jaycee tonight when we saw her. She gave me one of her famous squeezes hugs too. It just melted me. She is so young. She just doesnt grasp the magnitude of her Daddy being gone. To her, with her age, she is just in the mindset of...her Daddy is on a trip, type feeling. It wont really hit her for awhile down the road. When she gets older. Then she will realize it. I pray for her sweet spirit. I pray for her when she misses her Daddy. I pray that she will have a memory of him even when the years come. I pray. I know how it is with my Dad. I know how I have to try and hold on to the memories and I was older when he passed. It will be hard for her. I pray for her. :(
Lettie, Caroline, Lex and Chloe! Sweet girls!
Lucy..Lettie's Mom. I am not surprised at all the she is Minnie Mouse! That girl LOVES some Minnie Mouse! :) Her trying to be a scary Minnie Mouse cracked me up!
I LOVED this..and I love these two girls! Elyse as Mary Poppins! OH, I love!
These sweet girls! I love Lily's little sweet group of friends that she is getting!
My little family on a fun night!

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