Monday, March 26, 2018

A day in the park!

Tyler and I have been soooo busy with trying to get everything back in order...and cleaned up...and in line...

that yesterday afternoon....I told the girls we were having a break time!

The girls were sooo excited to just keep it simple and hit the park!

We got to see Grey! We were so excited since we havent got to see him since he was first born. He is just precious and I know Alexis and Lily are going to be great cousins to him!

They were so good with him. It made me proud!

I snapped some fun pictures of my two while they played. It was a great afternoon!

This chick.........there are just no old is she?!?!?!
My little one!
She let the bunny swing! :) :)
She wanted me to take a close up....of her teeth....she is SOOOO happy about her teeth being lined up now! :)
Sweet girl!

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