Thursday, March 29, 2018

Go tell it on the mountains!!


my heart BURST!

Alexis accepted Jesus as her Lord and Savior and became a sister in Christ with me!

She has been asking a lot of questions and has seemed to be right on the fence of being ready for about a month or so.

Well, last night...about 15 minutes after putting her to bed, she came into the living room in tears and saying she wanted to talk to me.

She crawled up in my lap and tears just flowed. I was worried about her because I didnt know what was making her like this. So, then she told me what was on her mind! She said that she didnt want to not go to Heaven when she died and that she wanted everyone to know that she loves God and wants to be a better person! The recent tornado has really affected her and has brought so much emotion from her. She has been trying to understand it all and last night, it just came to a point for her that she finally hit that moment that she was ready!

Talk about chills!

OH me! I am SOOOO proud of her! She asked some more questions and then told me that she wanted to be baptized Sunday...which just SO happens to be Easter!!

What a BIG Sunday it will be!

God is good all the time, all the time.....God is good!

I pray that she stays strong in her faith but knows....we are all broken, sinful, messed up people living in a broken, sinful, messed up world. We all sin. She is still going to sin but by professing God as ruler over her life and asking forgiveness, God will still love her...and protect her, help her to be a better person and have his light shine through her......and...

hold her in the palm of his hands...



Mrs. Angie {our Children's Church Director} came to our house to speak to Alexis. To talk deeply with her and to make sure she understood exactly what she was about to do. Her Daddy and I listened and responded and we answered some of her questions before Mrs. Angie prayed over her. It was SUCH a special time and it brings me to happy tears! Mrs. Angie is the best and I am so thankful for her knowledge and mentorship that she has given to Tyler and I.{Along with her husband, Mr. Rick who is our Sunday school teacher!} We are just SO thankful, blessed and proud!

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