Friday, March 30, 2018

The official...

today is brought to you by...

'The official!'......

We have capped off the week! I have been off for two weeks.......and it, honestly, doesnt seem like it. It all has been a blur...and busy...not relaxing...and just plain tough at times!

BUT, Im thankful that it all could have been worse...and thankful that I have had this time off to get our house in order, etc!

There is always...always...always...something to be thankful for!

Well, its official. As of today...I found out my new home until at least August. OH...looks like SO much fun!
This picture is the first official picture showing the tornado that came through Jacksonville! A security camera on the Square captured the picture! WOW!!
I am SO thankful that we were not home during it! I am sad that we only had one day of our Spring break trip....but at least we had that one during this coming to our house!
 Its official...she had a BLAST at her Kindergarten Easter egg hunt at school today! I LOVE that Mrs. Bean sent me this picture! Made my day!
Its official...Collins loves the 'goodies' I took over to her! Since I have been cleaning out the girl's toys, etc...due to the tornado, there were some items that I just knew a certain 2 year old would love! Kristi sent me this picture of her playing with the ABC's and the numbers! :) :)
Its official...Lily couldnt get in the door fast enough to dump out her Easter basket from all of her eggs today, from school, to see............and try and EAT all the candy! What cracks me up is that she dumped all of the 'grass' out very very quickly to get to the 'good stuff!' :) :)
And....Alexis and Lily have become the OFFICIAL 'Millie the dogwalkers'...........and they love it! For about 3 weeks now...Lily {big Lily as she is referred to} has been coming over and getting my girls to go walk Millie {the dog} with her around the neighborhood. girls get soooo excited when she comes knocking! I can literally hear them laughing and talking up and down our street as they walk Millie!
It worked out...too...that 'big' Lily is spending the night with us tonight since its a Friday! They are all curled up...watching YouTube...right now in Alexis' room as I type this!

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