Wednesday, March 21, 2018

More Elvis and Memphis!

We, of course, had to be in the 'lights' and feel like Elvis too! :)
The CARS! OH my....all the cars! Nice...and shiney..and expensive cars! :)
This was Lily's favorite!!
This was Alexis' favorite!
This was my favorite! :)
Love this jeep!...and that it is pink! ha!
This was funky! Elvis had some unique things!
This was the last limo Elvis rode in!
And..OH the costumes and outfits! WOW!
TONS of them! He was never without something to wear!
Seeing the airplane and the jet was super neat!
Us inside the plane! The neatest was the fact that he had a bed in the back and also a TV!  Alexis...was still impressed with the way the TVs looked! :) was time to meet up with the Rays! We had a great walk...and headed to the water...and to find a playground!
My little family of four!
Calhoun kept requesting Lily to hold his hand the whole time! It was the sweetest!
Exerting some energy!!
We found another neat park! There were carriage rides that we watched. We checked out these cannons...and saw where a monument had been taken down {from several months ago where everywhere took down Civil War, etc monuments} so sad!
Then after dinner we checked out Beale street! Im pretty sure we were the only ones with kids and strollers! We checked in a candy/fudge shop before heading back to our apartment!
Nice and cozy! Right about this time.....we started getting flooded with calls and texts and Facebook telling us that Jacksonville was under a tornado warning. It was downhill from that point on.....

1 comment:

  1. What a cute and awesome pics. I just love all the pictures.
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