Monday, March 5, 2018

She's in the lights!

We have officially added.........

more to our resume! :)

Alexis started Cast Kidz today....and to say that she loves it already is an understatement!

She couldnt wait to get home and show Daddy and Lily what songs and dances she learned tonight!

Tonight she was cast as a munchkin in The Wiz. It is the Broadway production {with what Alexis says...the 'adults'} and so they have let the kids be munchkins! She is SO excited!

She also auditioned tonight for Peter Pan! And...OH, I had to hear the song...what felt like...a CAZILLION times before they all auditioned...and to say I was really actually cringing towards the end because the song was just 'getting' to me! hahaha!..........but it is a cute song...and I think the show is going to be great! I cant wait to see what Alexis is chosen to be in it!

So, for her very first night...she had a lot!....and she rocked it all!

I cant wait to see her in lights!

Lily and Daddy had soccer tonight...........but due to rain {that seems like it has been an every day thing these days} it was cancelled tonight. So....Daddy actually had a McDonalds date with Lily and then they came home and 'hung out!' :) :)

Not sure what Alexis was doing as I took this picture...ha....but I didnt get many pictures tonight since she broke off and went into another room to work on The Wiz. Everyone was coming in when I took this...and so everyone was sitting around then so I snapped it real quick! Alexis was thrilled at how many people she knows too! Miller, Hannah Kate, Abbie, Ryleigh, Lily are just off the top of my head...and there were a good bit more that she knew!
  Practicing the song and dance together before doing her audition!
When we got home..Lily begged to work on sentences! Let me tell little one LOVES to do school work...and learn! I hope that stays...because....with Alexis....its different! ha!
I just love one of the sentences she came up with. She told me that she was making up alllll of her sentences by herself! I love this one that she did! It says...'Gum is 'good' to chew. I love gum because it is 'good' If you know my know how true this sentence is that she made up and wrote on this sheet! Makes my heart smile! :) :)

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