Wednesday, March 21, 2018

The whirlwind....tornado.

So, at about 8:00pm Monday night....there were all sorts of reportings of tornados hitting...and hitting our neighborhood.

I did not sleep Monday night. We had a super nice VRBO apartment and was on Spring break vacation...

and it was miserable!

We heard how bad the damage was at around 10:30 that night...

so we got up before daylight and packed up and left our super fun Memphis trip to head home since Tyler is over the emergency crew and needing to go home and help.

To say the pictures...and what we were told wasnt even close to how it actually was when we got back home.

That night...5 different friends went and checked on our home...and all said we didnt have any damage and we were fine.

So...about 2 hours in of us driving back home....completely thinking we were just going home to help with all the damage...

we get another call from another friend telling us the news of our home. To say it was like a hit in the stomach is an understatement!

I am SO thankful that it wasnt as bad as those around us! I am SO thankful that we were out of town and didnt have to experience all the horrible sounds and stories that I have heard from our friends and neighbors...and SO thankful that there were no deaths out of all the destruction!

Our GOD is GOOD!

It is devastating in Jacksonville and JSU right now...but we will rebuild and be stronger and better than ever! But...oh all just took my breath away as Tyler and I drove back from Memphis and saw it all. No words!.......

We are without power and who knows when the work will be done to fix the holes in our roof...but it will get done and we are all safe and that is all that matters!

Nan and Pawpaw have taken us in and are keeping the girls while Tyler works on still helping and I try and help and do what I can with friends who lost it all!

Something you dont see everyday in your house! It could have been SO much worse....compared to the rest of Jacksonville and JSU!
We cleaned up what we could...tarped the holes...and will just wait to have it all put back together!
Our new AC a goner! It is amazing how many trees are gone...and buildings, etc. What amazes me more...that yes, there is a lot of damage.....but the way some of the trees was just crazy because they fell the opposite way to a house...or fell right smack, within inches, of a house. It could have been SO much worse! So thankful too that it was Spring break week...and all the JSU students had gone home!
My Nursing building! So sad! We have needed/wanted a new building. Hate that this is the way we are getting one! I hope my office is still in one piece. Anxious to be able to get in there and survey!
The upstairs portion of the Nursing building.
This the hallway to Tammy's office. So scary!
This is to the right of the Nursing building between the Nursing building and the ROTC building. It used to be covered with trees. Now........nothing!
This makes me so sad. The Alumni house is a tear down now. I had my wedding shower here when I was marrying Tyler. This is where Brittney and Mitchell got married. It was a beautiful home that JSU used for many functions. So sad!
This is the side of the Alumni house too. Completely destroyed.  The pictures dont even do the extent of the damage justice. I have never experienced anything like this...and I hope I never do again! But...through it all.......God is good...and Im counting my blessings!

1 comment:

  1. Your family is just awesome. You are lucky to have such a family.
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