Sunday, March 11, 2018

She will be....

such a beautiful bride!

Today we celebrated Mallory.....and it was such a fun afternoon to honor her!

I cant wait to see her as a beautiful bride! It will be here soon!

Bobbie, Nannie, Lily and I headed to Birmingham to celebrate Mallory during her bridal shower. Poor Alexis didnt feel well so she stayed home and rested with Daddy. Despite the dreary rain....and fog, it was a perfect afternoon for Mal!

Little miss model helping me take pictures by posing for me! :)
Mal had it at her Church...where she will have her wedding. Everything turned out beautiful...and LOOK at these adorable cookies!!
The bride and I....and her flower girl!
Love this picture and the two girls in it! :)
LaLa and Lily!
The fam pic!
Aunt Pam and Lily bug!
All the hostesses!  I cant wait to see everyone at the next event....Bill and Mal's wedding! :)

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