Thursday, March 8, 2018

Making our way through March and Lily got married!

March is just flying by already! So far March has been a good month! We have been in our same ole routine with soccer and Cast Kidz new in the mix!

Lily is scratching at the bit to get to have more soccer practices and she just cant understand why it wont stop raining and be warmer for her to get to have them!

We had Church last night and we had some time before it started so I let the girls loose on my phone to make funny Snapchat pictures. They always think it is hilarious!

Oh my sweet Lily! :) :)
Can you guess who this is?!?!?! bahaha! It is Alexis' eyes and mouth! ha! OH, I wish I would have videoed her as she was taking this picture! She was laughing sooooo hard at it.....and with her braces showing like it is! Too funny! :)
And...Lily's teacher sent me this and said that Lily has been cracking her up with her journal posts lately! Lily has really started loving writing and making up sentences. Well, this is one of her entries that Mrs. Bean said I just had to see and read!
Translation for it:
Today is Thursday March 8th. I got married to a boy. He is handsome. We kissed. The Bride threw flowers!
I texted Mrs. Bean back and asked her 'what boy'...........and she texted me back saying Lily told her 'No 'real' everything is fine....Im not getting married right now!' OH....too funny! :)

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