Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Graceland! is Spring break week...

and it started off great!...

We headed, bright and early, to Memphis on Monday to have a great couple of days exploring!

Our first stop was to Graceland!

I have been to Graceland back when I was in like 10th grade but dont remember anything other than the 'Jungle room!' I remember the jungle room....and seeing it again, I know why it stuck out in my mind to remember! ha! It was an odd room for sure! There was floor to ceiling green carpet and all kinds of 'jungle' type furniture,etc! Elvis' whole house was unique to say the least! ha!

We met up with the Ray's after Graceland and checked our awesome VRBO apartment in the old/antique Hotel Chisca! It as huge and really cool place! It was within walking distance to all the good restaurants, all the 'action' of downtown Memphis and Beale Street too!

We walked around the water...and several blocks checking out the parks and all the sites before heading to The Majestic to eat dinner! It was SO good and such a neat place! They had a huge screen with an old black and white movie playing while we ate! It was really neat!

We checked out Beale street and then walked back to our apartment and crashed!

Little did we know that while we were having all of our fun.....back home was being pounded by two tornadoes. To say that the destruction and damage is an understatement! We had to leave our trip 2 days early...and we were all super sad. Little did we know...we were not meant to be in Memphis...that we needed to be back at home!

There are just no words!

Hello Elvis! We are excited to visit and learn all about you! It started off a dreary day...but in no time, it quickly turned soooo nice and perfect weather!
We did the home tour first before heading back across the street to visit the new areas they have built that has all the Elvis memorabilia you could think of!
Our family picture in front of Graceland!
Right when we came through the door.......this was our view! Wow at the white carpet and all! Alexis was amazed at our the TV looked! ha! Lily was more concerned and excited that she had her own IPAD and headset! ha!
There was a beautiful chandelier going up the stairs. We were not allowed to go to the 2nd level. Tyler was bummed because he wanted to see where he died. The girls caught word of him 'dying while in the bathroom' the rest of the trip.....all they would talk about was 'Elvis died on the toilet.' Oh me! :)
The kitchen! was just so small....and the carpet! The carpet choices in this house was crazy to say the least! I am bummed...I didnt get a picture of the 'jungle room' {the living room} or the pool table room where carpet was literally on every inch of that room! :)
Hanging in Elvis' kitchen!
The lower level...the basement, was his 'man cave' or TV room! WOW...Elvis loves some mirrors....and loves some colors too! Alexis said she was getting dizzy in there with all the colors! ha!
Us two!
We toured around the home...and the outdoor areas...and then to the back of the house there was this area where we looked at really neat items from the home...and his tux he wore in his wedding and so on!
Outside we saw the pool area...the stables and then their graves!
Here lies Elvis.
These two had a blast! Stay tuned for more Elvis in the part 2 post where we went back across the street!

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