Sunday, March 18, 2018

Spring breakin it!


And we are soaking it up!! So has been great weather..and we have loved it! Praying that come tomorrow, and the rest of the week....that it is as well!

Caroline made it through the night with us! These two enjoyed a milk shake while hanging out at the park yesterday!
Lily loved climbing...and hanging...and climbing again. She did not want to leave the park on that beautiful day!
So....since we had so much fun yesterday!............we did it again today! On top of playing at the park....we rode bikes too! LOVE!
The turtles were out sunning today when we came up! Daddy and Lily had fun checking them out...and throwing rocks in the water too!
And...last but not least...Lily looked soooo adorable this morning before Church that I just had to take a picture! So far....SO good for our Spring break 2018! :) :)

1 comment:

  1. Spring is coming again. I hope you will upload again new pictures.
    Also, Please check out my game Traffic Racer .
