Monday, March 26, 2018

Taking a break and meeting Grey!

Yesterday the girls and I took a little break from everything that has been going on and headed to the park for a little family time!

The girls got to meet Grey for the 1st time!

All day was gorgeous. I worked out in the yard up until about 2:30 because it was so nice and I was even hot! Well, at about 3:30, it got COLD!

We still enjoyed the beautiful afternoon at the park...but whew, I am SO ready for it to warm up!!

Introducing themselves! Alexis is a natural but she didnt want him to 'throw up' on her! ha!
SO LOVE this picture!
Sweet baby! Today he is a month old! Wow...time sure does fly!
I cant get over how alert he is!
Daddy and son

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