Friday, March 2, 2018

One fish...two fish...

Red fish

Blue fish!

Today is Dr. Seuss' birthday and Lily and Alexis' school always does a lot to celebrate his day!

So, the girls had to be decked out in celebration of the day!

Lily wanted a picture with Aubie before Alexis was ready.
 Dont be sour gooseberry jam! :)
 She loves to take pictures on my phone through Snapchat!
AND...look at Lex's teeth. Her tooth {facing is on the left} has already turned straight! She is THRILLED! She has had a couple of moments of pain with it....and also {at one point} thinking that her teeth were falling out :) :) ....but she told me that today she didnt take any pain reliever and still hasnt as Im typing this {at 7:00pm!} so....hopefully she is getting over the hump! She even said she enjoyed her lunch at school {which consisted of green eggs and ham for Dr. Seuss' birthday!} and then tonight {before soccer} we went to CookOut and she ate all of her grilled chicken quesadilla! The thrill of having braces is coming back...since a couple of days have passed! :)
 And...throwback to last year in their new shirts at that time! They have changed a good bit since last year! Circa-2017!

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