Saturday, June 2, 2018

A little bit of our life lately!

We have been soaking up this beautiful Summer weather and making the most of our days lately!

One of the things I love most about the girls going to the Community Center over the Summer is the fact that there is at least one friend Mom swimming too with their kiddos that can help keep a check on Lily and Alexis for me!
I always love getting pictures like this from sweet friend Moms! Lily always loves to come home telling me who all was at the pool with her! They love the Community Center!
Last night I had a girl's night with Emily, Misty and Haley to eat dinner and see the movie The Book Club! It was a total chick night and chick flick movie! It was much needed and a perfection of a girl's night!
Meanwhile, these two chose Yamoto and had a date night with Daddy! Tyler took this picture of them all curled up on our bed binge watching American Ninja Warrior! It was a great night for all! :)
And today...we got up early and our little family of four had breakfast at the Waffle House and then decided to go for a float down the creek. Well, Alexis and Lily decided they wanted Daddy and I to have a 'date day' and they wanted to go to Nan's. So, Tyler and I enjoyed a very peaceful float while the girl's hit Wal-Mart and a couple more errands with Nan before coming back home! Then us four headed to Oxford for some errand running and dinner!
I will forever know what I was exactly doing on June 6, 2018 at 10:50am!! :) :) :)
I just love to relax and float!

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