Sunday, June 24, 2018

The beach!

OH, this family loves the beach!

Everything about the beach....we are all about it!

We had a great week..and of course, time flies when your having fun...and that it did. The week flew but we soaked it up and made the most of it!

We made it! We got down just in time for lunch so we walked across the street to Arbys. We ate fast...headed to Wal-Mart to get all the goodies before spending the rest of the day at the beach and pool!
Ahhh.....such a perfect afternoon!
Alexis and Lily 2018!
Oh we were excited to have our toes in the sand!
Checking out the view!
Hitting the waves! The ocean was beautiful!
Then we headed to the pool before heading to crash to bed!
The girl loved her swan! That float was huge!
Lily loved her flip flop float she picked out!
Day two...we were up bright and early every day to hit the beach! We were the first ones out every morning!
Little ray of yellow!
Love her!
She loves...and I mean...LOVES picking flowers! She always has too! She picked all of us girls one to put in our hair! :)
 She was ready to snorkle! ha!
 This chick was too cool for school! She wanted to lay out and get 'more of a tan than you Momma!' Well...okay then!
Just a floatin in the ocean with Daddy!
Catching the waves!
This is one of my most favorite pictures!
After a full day in the sun..we cleaned up and headed to where Daddy wanted to go since it was his day to celebrate him! It was Father's day! He chose that we did!
We are very thankful and love Daddy!
After dinner...we headed to see the Incredibles 2
Us 4!
They have been dying for this movie to come out....and it finally did! It was just what they thought! Incredibles {1} is both of their they really enjoyed this new one!
We came home and crashed.....and did it all again the next day! Stay tuned!
Daddy and his smallest girl! :) :)

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