Sunday, June 3, 2018

An AMPED VBS Sunday!


talk about a FULL Sunday!

Tonight marked our VBS for the Summer and Im tired! :)

First up on the list from today...we had Church! While we waited on Top of the River to open after Church, for lunch, we took pictures!
Silly faces! haha! Daddy was in the car too...but he couldnt fit...and did want to take pictures! :)
Then...I took these two to Jaycee's birthday party and while they partied, I headed to Church to finish setting up and decorating for VBS.
Jaycee had the Hotel Transylvania themed party! It was super cute and all her family were dressed up!
Then these three came home with me while Carli an Lex were at the Fritts. They all played before we loaded back up and headed to VBS!
They spent most all their time making 'best friends forever' bracelets! session time at VBS!
Then.....dinner time!
Sweet friends! {And....Jackson cracks me up!} :)
Then....time to get 'Amped!' The theme this year...and it seems like a hit! All the kids seemed to have a great time! We have all the way until Thursday for this so I hope it is fun for them! We had 90 kids tonight! Such a great turn-out!
This crew is just tooooo cool! :) We got home late....took a quick bath and whew...then bedtime to turn around and do it all over again tomorrow! {Though I have work!} :)

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