Wednesday, June 13, 2018

We were on our way for the Braves to play!

Today we loaded up and headed to get our chop on at the Braves game!

We had perfect seats...right under the awning so we had a breeze and shade! The Braves played the New York Mets! It was a great game with even a Braves homer!

For some odd reason...they didnt do the 'chop' the whole time we were there?!?! Kind of odd...and sad because we love to do it...but we still had a great time...and a full family fun day since Daddy got to take off and come!

The Braves WON....Daddy got a haircut...we had a fun lunch with some shopping before heading home!

A great day!

Ready to watch the Braves!
My side of the stadium!
Daddy's side of the stadium!
Talking baseball...and she requested to wear her Daddy's hat!
And..then wanted her bow in it because she said it looks better with a bow! :)

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