Sunday, June 24, 2018

More ocean fun!

Wednesday was hump day and boo...the week was winding down!

We were up bright and early, again, to soak it up!

Enjoying the ocean!
The ocean was perfection on this day! The girls loved riding the waves and swimming and floating!
So cute!
Relaxing with a cherry coke! ha!
Pool time! I love this picture! ha!
This was the view I had of Lily for pretty much every time we were at the pool! She was perfect at doing her dive! She is a PRO at it! She is a little fish!
We headed to dinner and then some shopping cream...candy..and then Lily decided she wanted to jump!
And...that she did!
She went SO high but could never get herself over to do a back flip! She tried though!
Thursday Lily found a lot of 'animal friends' as she called them! She found a ton of snails, etc during our trip. This creature she found was HUGE and and a huge and beautiful shell!
Then we cleaned up and headed to hibachi and sushi!...per Alexis' request!
And...more shopping! Lily made her name out of this sequin picture! ha!
And then we decided to ride some carts!
Let me just two BLEW the other two out of the water!! Yep...we WON! I...slightly...bumped Daddy...and sped past him...and he could never get back around me! BOOM! :) :)
Always fun to ride go-carts!
And...finally...our last full day! Boo! Gran and Alexis soaking up the last hours before having to leave.
Doing some relaxing in the pool!
We all loaded up and headed to Destin for dinner with Pam, Richard, Britt and Kennedy at MaGuires. We love to eat there! YUM! :)
These two LICK the bowl dry every time we eat here with this soup! They LOVE this bean soup!
Sweet Kennedy is getting SO big! We had a great dinner with everyone and a great trip with Gran and Ben! We loaded up early Saturday and headed back to Alabama. Oh, and just like that....the beach is over. Boo!
This girl loved that the balloon guy made them a turtle and her a cat! :)
Us two! Love him!
Our last beach picture before packing up and hitting the bed!

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