Saturday, June 9, 2018

From G to O!

We went 'around the world' today on our 'fun' day!

Tyler had to work for a little bit today so us girls loaded up for some overdue shopping and errand running!

We headed to Gadsden and the girls got to 'pick what they wanted to do day!'

They chose Chick fila....the Gadsden


Alexis chose to do Glowlight Mini golf! Her and I had a great time doing this! It was really fun! The girls loved how it all glowed and all the fun music they played! Alexis played really well to....better than me! ha!
Lily just danced around and watched us play...
 Girl time!
 We were glowing!
 Lily watched us play...because....
she chose this as her 'fun thing to do!' She begs to do this every time...and we just have never let her is a waste of money...
but she chose it for her 'fun thing' and she loved it! She was so light weight that the girl had to keep grabbing her legs and bouncing her. She loved this, though, because it made her go higher! :)
 That girl earned her check with Lily. Look at her in this picture! Every time Lily started coming down...she was ready to catch and grab her to bounce her back up! haha!
 Lily LOVED getting these earphones! She cracks me up in them! She loves how they light up!
 Then...Daddy came we loaded up and headed to Oxford! We ran some more errands and ate at Cracker Barrell! YUM! We sat out and enjoyed the pretty afternoon and rocked for a little bit!
 Of course...a quick game of checkers!
 Then...we came home and they rounded the afternoon out by riding around the neighborhood and stopping to talk to neighbors on their ride!
 And...a little late posting this...but Alexis got 1st place in the talent show yesterday at Summer Camp! She was SOOOO proud to come home and show us her ribbon!!
This is the 1st talent show that she has actually decided to do {though I have tried to get her to do the ones at the school, etc in the past...she just never would} and she got 1st! Her and two other friends sang and danced to the song Moana since it was Disney week themed at Summer Camp! Super proud of her for finally doing one....and working hard, with her friends, to come up with their own performance too!

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