Friday, June 1, 2018

A picnic and rainshowers!

Today marked the 1st day that I had the girls during my weekly day off since they are out of school now as well as the 1st day of June! What a better way to kick off it all by having a girl's day!

We made the most of it until the thunderstorms came and forced us to get comfy...cover up and watch movies and they played on their IPADS some! Relaxing day!

We had a perfection of a lunch date with perfectly overcast and breezy weather! The girls and I all love to throw together some 'fun food' as they call it and eat by the creek! So...that is exactly what we did to kick off our first day!
They had just enough time to play and I ran an errand before the bottom fell out and now I am curled up as it is thunder storming outside! So nice!
Lily made sure to hold on to her fruit gummies while she got her swinging on! :) :)

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