Saturday, June 30, 2018

The BIG 10!

So...yeah...she is 10!

Well, technically Monday...but goodness time has flown!

I am in awe of the little girl that is growing into a little lady! I just cant believe how fast she is growing up! She is the most sassy, big hearted, funny, creative, smart and loving 10 year old I know!

I have been so blessed to see what she has done in her 10 years of life and cant wait to see what God has in store for her for the next!

First stop for the birthday crew....Alexis chose Kobe for dinner...since she wanted a 'sushi' party! I hate this picture is blurry!
Sweet friends!....that are BIGGER than me! Two of the three are taller than me...weigh more than me...have a bigger sized foot than me....I just cant wrap my head around it!
These were 3 excited girls!
The other half of the table celebrating the birthday girl! Lily spent the night..and had a TON of fun with Nan and Pawpaw while Lex had her fun birthday night!
Her sushi arrived!
Then..the biggest surprise! They started busting out to her with drums and clanging and banging instruments and was so funny!
She was so surprised!
And then the cake!
So happy and excited!
Making her wish!
This picture cracks me up because not only did they play..and sing 'happy birthday'...but they also sang and played this Japanese song too! Nobody knew what they were saying...but they were throwing their hands up and clapping, etc......the people eating at the table were even getting into it! TOO funny! Alexis and Carli's face cracks me up because they were not really sure about all that was going on with this song! HILARIOUS! :) :)
Up next....they all jumped! Carli and Lex did a bunch of back flips...Caroline didnt ever get herself over! Boy I had some laughs watching them try and flip!
Then..on to some shopping! I grabbed this picture as they were walking down the Mall. They kept jumping like this because they were SOOO wired up and happy! Love this!
We stopped first at Claire's...and they got matching neck chokers! ha!
Then..of course...Bath and Body Works...for matching body splash! ha!
Then...HAVE to go to Justice! They had this cute wall of why you LOVE Summer! They put their sticky notes as to their reasons! They all put 'no school!' :) gear from Justice!...
We ran into Aunt Pam, Richard and Andrew while shopping and they just so happened to have tickets to the same movie time as us to see Jurassic Park! {Alexis chose dinner and a movie}
I hate this is blurry! BOO! But this is their 'TREX' faces!! bahaha!
They...didnt go to bed until 3:30am! YEP... I went in that time {though I had gone previous times} to cut the lights off and tell them to go to bed. When I went the last time....Carli was already passed out. It was just Caroline and Lex up.
Well..Carli slept until 9:45am...these two were up at 8:15am despite going to bed when they did.
Yeah...they were up playing with the SLIME...YES...SLIME that Carli gave Alexis disguised as a birthday gift!
Alexis got money from Aunt Pam {at the Mall} and money from Caroline for her birthday..yet said this slime was the 'best gift ever!' OH me! it will make me sad when I have to throw it in the trash! ha! :) :) :) {Not really! I hate that stuff!} Carli worked so hard on it and made Alexis 4 different kinds of slime! It was sweet
They did their masks that I got them at Justice before playing the basement...before us all heading to Cook Out to eat lunch and then home for them!
Alexis had a great birthday with friends!

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