Wednesday, June 6, 2018

This and that and that and THIS!

Whew...this has been a busy busy but fun week so far!

We have kicked VBS off BIG time.....had fun with friends galore, swam...played...had a spend the night party....

and today is just Wednesday!

Like I have said before....there is ALWAYS Mom friends at the pool during my girl's pool days at the Community Center! Got this fun picture of all these sweet girls having a great Summer swim day!
This is my BIG group that I am leading at VBS! This isnt even all of them! We have a big group and they are all so sweet...but there is alot of them! :)
Learning about Jesus! :)
 Alexis...and her crew....have the rec time during VBS! From what I was an intense soccer game!
 They sure do love each other!
These two sure do love each other too! My girls have both loved all the friends that have been coming! They have loved hanging out with them all!
Last night, after VBS, I loaded my car full of girls for an 'after VBS spend the night party!' They all were SOOOO excited! Stay tuned for all of that fun! :) :)

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