Sunday, June 24, 2018

Beach..days 3 and 4!

Here we go again! Up and at'em...and ready to have as much fun as possible!

She could not WAIT to be a mermaid! So on this day...that she was! :) :)
I love this picture of her!
Once we hit the pool....she wore her full mermaid outfit...
It CRACKED me up watching her in this! This is one of those pictures that when she is 16 years old..will embarrass her like crazy! I cant wait! haha!!
We got cleaned up and headed to eat at Shuckums then we did some Alvin Island shopping and ice cream! Gran got the girls a shirt! We all loved watching him paint them. So talented!
She just HAD to have her shirt say Lillian! She said that she doesnt have anything with her 'real' name on it! So..this is her very first...official...item with her 'real' name! :) :)
Alexis loved the one she picked out!
Then we decided to do mini golf! SOOO fun! Lily...or should I say...Lillian...just HAD to change and wear her new shirt! :) :)
My little Lillian and I!
Family picture! Yeah....Daddy blew us away during it! It is really good at golf! :)
Being sassy!
Us 3 girls!
She just cracked me up! She would scoot her ball into the hole...but it would take her 10 times to do that...but then would tell Daddy that it only took her 1 time to get the ball in the hole! She was being a mess! :)
Picture with the giraffes!
Day 4 was another perfect day! We heard that it stormed every day at home...but where we were...we had blue skies!

Before picture...
After picture! All wet from hitting the waves!
Too cool again! She is growing up WAY too fast! :)
Then pool time! Just relaxing!
We went to Buffalo Wild Wings this night....did some shopping and then headed back to the condo for beach picture time! Stay tuned! :)
My view during dinner!

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