Wednesday, June 27, 2018

The BIG reveal!

Tonight marked the night that us Mom's have been planning for MONTHS now!

How to surprise the girls with a fun girl's weekend trip to see their favorite singer in concert!

Taylor Swift in we come!

The three amigos from day 1! They all had NO idea why we were all together....why they didnt know we were meeting and eating together!....they were sooo confused!
Sweet girls!
After we ate....we busted out the big surprise! They were like...WHAT is this?!?!? ha!
Mrs. Alison had them all the most awesome 'scrapbook' type 'rhyme' book where it had sweet pictures of the girls from when they were tiny all the way until now...with sayings to help them try and guess what the surprise was! It took all 3 of them about 7 times reading through it to FINALLY figure out that they were all going to the concert! It was killing us Moms that they were taking so long! ha!
After they figured it out.....they pulled out these cute shirts! BOY they were so excited!
So cute!
Such a fun afternoon!
They asked to take a 'crazy' picture! OH me! :) :)
Then...the 'big' girls went over to SK's house for a little this little one came home with me and played with my little one! Lily was SHOCKED that Callie had came to play!
They played dress up...and dancing...and did crafts...and had the best couple of hours while the big girls swam at Sk's house!
Such a fun night of sweet memories! Cant wait for the fun weekend!

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