Wednesday, February 13, 2019

A Galentine's kind of night!


the girls had a blast tonight and made oh so sweet memories with the sweetest of friends!


to top it off.... Tyler and I got a date night!

We hit Baja while Lex and Lily went over to the Weather's home for fun night! Baja was PACKED and so we ran into {what seemed like} everyone in Jville that we knew so we caught up and chatted while enjoying dinner out!

The girls did everything from eating yummy pancakes, making Valentines, decorating cookies, chatting, playing and more!

Sweet....sweet....sweet memories made!

Just have a Galentine's night with the gals! LOVE!

Making pancakes! Mr. Carlton was so nice to help out!
Time to eat! Alexis could care less for a picture...especially when she is hungry! ha!
Oh....then she smiles for Mrs. Aimee!
Valentine making time!
Busy bees!
Lily said she had SO much fun with her friends!
This isnt even all of them! The Weathers were very brave tonight! Love how they are in our neighborhood and my girls have sweet friends to grow with!

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