Friday, February 8, 2019

Daddy-Daughter dance 2019!

Tonight marked the Daddy-Daughter dance and BOY, two girls were super excited about it!

We had several different dress decision changes but tonight they both finally decided on what they wanted to wear...

got their hair done {by the best! :)}

got their make-up done! {by me again! ha!}

and Alexis even made sure she had exactly what she wanted her Daddy to wear as well as smell! {She even picked out what cologne he wore!}

and they were all ready to go!

They enjoyed a date dinner at Yamoto before hitting the dance floor at the dance!

Im so glad that they had this time together!

I got a few pictures this year. Usually I go towards the end of the dance and snap a WHOLE lot of pictures of the girls...and the girls friends and everyone in between...but this year...I just decided to have a nice relaxing girls night and it was sooooo nice!

Us Mom's sat and chatted and just enjoyed a girl's night as the Dad's and daughters danced the night away! :)

She knew exactly what dress she wanted to wear. She knew exactly what hairstyle she wanted me to do...and her make-up was perfection!

She was ready! :)
She wanted a high ponytail....with TONS of curls! :) I think I nailed it :)
This little one...requested her hair down with TONS of curls!
She picked her dress out too! She was suuuuper ready for the dance!
Daddy and his girls!
I got some pictures from some friends that were there! Not sure how much the girls actually danced with Daddy! I think it was more...dancing with friends and the Daddy's hanging out over to the side! :)
I got this picture of Lily! It was the best I could get...I guess...because she doesnt stay in one spot long enough!

Glad they had so much fun and had so many memories!
Then, I got this picture from another friend! Love this whole group of girls!

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