Saturday, February 9, 2019

Tiny ballerina's 5th year of dance!

Today marked Lily's 5th year of dance pictures!

My tiny ballerina is just growing into the most beautiful dancer! Even one of her first teachers {Mrs. Jessica} said today that she has just grown so much as a dancer....and a FAR cry from her 1st year when she licked the floors and played instead of actually dancing! bahaha!

So proud of her!
I love mirror pictures! :) ......and this smile and this bun...and this little girl! :)
She kills me. She was over pictures in 2 seconds flat! Once she is over is written alllll over her face! OH well....I guess I am thankful I got one picture! :)
Little Miss ballerina!
Waiting on picture taking time!
Her 5th year! WOW!
Her sweet little class!

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