Sunday, February 24, 2019

Its not easy!


rock climbing is NOT easy! Let me repeat it! Whew!

I have never rock climbed until today.....and, let me just say, from now on.....I'll just watch everyone else!

Been there.done that.

Tyler agrees too! We are just tooooo old! ha! :)

To this was a piece of cake! She made it to the top on every side she tried today! She rocked it! {Get it!} :) :)
SEEEEE.....allllll the way up!
This one rock climbed for the first time here loved it! It was a little hard for her so she didnt get all the way to the top but she got pretty far!
Yep....I tried! Right about the time Tyler snapped this picture....I called it quits! ha!
And...right about the time I snapped this one...he did too!
Then these two enjoyed the pool before Tyler and I worked out some and hit the basketball court! It was a fun family afternoon!

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