Saturday, February 16, 2019

Little Valentines!

We had a low key...Chick fila type night with the Wagoner boys!

Last night we met Missy and enjoyed chatting and eating on a rainy Friday night!

OH...these four...they have SO much energy!

They had a blast together and it was sweet watching them open their little Valentines gifts from each other too!

They could not wait to dig into their gifts!
Digging in!
They got some sweet goodies!
Their favorites! Lex got a picture of SP. SP got a Seattle Seahawks hat! Per him..he looooves that team! :)
These two....SUCH a mess together! So adorable!
Us two Moms deserve a HUGE award for taking them last night! ha! Never a dull moment but tons of laughs and sweet memories made! We love the Wagoner boys!

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