Thursday, February 7, 2019

Not everyday is peaches and cream....

So, didnt make the Wordless Wednesday post yesterday as yesterday was a day that I just chalked up to....

I survived the day!

You know, not everyday is all 'peaches and cream' and yesterday was one of those days that by 7:45pm, I was laying in my bed.....with nothing on, not a sound, but just stillness and peace.

It was much needed.

This week has just been one of those weeks where you 'go, go, go' and my body just finally told me to 'stop!'

So, that is what I did!

Between having Hazel's funeral, my close co-worker having her brain tumor removed, finding out Alexis will need to have her gum biopsied and to cap it off, my filling from Christmas has abscessed which is now causing me a lot of pain and the fact that I will have to now have a root canal, just did me in!

So, I was Wordless Wednesday....... with not a word in my quiet bedroom!

But you know what happened while I was in my quiet bedroom?!?! {FYI, the kids were fed, cleaned, did homework and were relaxing before bed so they were just fine!} :)

I prayed. For everything that was on my mind and just gave it all to Him!

It was soooo wonderful to know that no matter the 'hard days' matter 'how bad you think it gets'...

you can let it go and give the burdens to Him!

It is all in His control!

So, that is what I did!

There is always something to be thankful for so for yesterday....though it was a day that wasnt all 'peaches and cream' for me, I am very thankful that I have a God that I can turn all of that 'mess' over to and know that he is in control of it all!

That I do not have to 'fix it all!'

God's got it!



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