Sunday, February 3, 2019

Could not ask...

for a more beautiful weekend!

OH...we have had such rainy and cold weather lately so to be able to get outside and just enjoy it...the WHOLE weekend, has been wonderful!

We soaked it allllll up!

Two beautiful Church girls ready to learn more about God and thank him for this beautiful weekend!
Then after lunch we hit the trail! It was Lily's first time to actual start at the Springs and make it allll the way to Turtle lake! We have started half-way in the past since she was never very comfortable riding her bike..BUT today, she was a master PRO! She did awesome and rode the entire time and had no issues! She even stopped and started the entire time by herself too! She was pretty proud of herself too!
These two soaking up the beautiful ride!
This is my favorite! My two favorite girls and this pretty bridge!
We took a water break and as we did, the climbed the railroad tracks!
Loved my view as I rode! Daddy was being mister 'FANCY PANTS" and was showing off how he could ride with no hands....ride as he was 'flapping' like a bird!....WELL...Lily...wanting to show off too, said...'WELL...I can ride with my EYES CLOSED Daddy!' bahaha! OH me...that is talent! :)
We had such a nice ride! There were a TON of turtles today just sitting on the log and enjoying the day! We counted 17 today! That was a record!
Lily headed over to play with Hope when we got home and so we just spent the rest of the afternoon relaxing and gearing up for the week!
Thank you Lord for this beautiful weekend!

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