Saturday, February 23, 2019

A laid back Saturday night!

So, we had no plans...

we celebrated that we have actually seen the sun since we have not in the last 4 days...

and after dance pictures and Abby's party, we headed to the JSU basketball game since their season is winding down!

Low key, yet full of fun day!

Lily LOVES swimming...LOVES her friends...and LOVED celebrating Abby for her birthday!
Sweet sweet and......sassy besties! :)
Such a fun party! Lily had a blast! Daddy and Lex were doing dance pictures...then Daddy came home and went shooting with Pawpaw while us girls relaxed and hit the JSU game!
This crew.... 'hanging' out during the game! Lily ended up at Madelyn's house after the game and then also after we all ate dinner. I type this....Tyler and I are 'home alone!' bahaha!
And...this crew too! Carli is in the picture too! They all ended up at Willa Kates house after the game spending the night!
Saw this crew at the game! {Note...the baby is not Tammy's!} ha!
And..this chick wanted to do Snapchat too! :)

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