Thursday, February 14, 2019

Our Valentine's week!


you know me!.....

every holiday...the week leading up, we wear the theme!

Valentine's week is NO different!

Monday! OH...I LOVE alllllll the red!...and how well the girls match my fireplace! :)
Monday afternoon they worked reeeeallllly hard on allll of their Valentines for their sweet friends!
Lily loved hers! She wanted to keep allll the sticky unicorns for herself! ha!
Alexis had the 'cool' ones with pencils! :)
Tuesday! Pretty in pink with cupid!
Wednesday! OH...OH so adorable!
Love is in the air!
The girls were super pumped about these new shirts Gran got them and that they were going to the Valentine party at the Weathers that night!
AND...Thursday!..Happy Valentine's day! My two loves in hearts!
Grey, pink hearts and denim! Pretty stinking cute!
Lily wanted me to take a picture of her with the sweetest card she made JUST for me at the Weather's house! It melted my heart that she wanted to make the card for me!
She wanted me to take a picture of her with it opened too! THEN I noticed....she had something on her nose! BAHAHA....
If you cant tell.....or dont know what it is...
Her Daddy and I got her some smell good, sparkly, powder with some other little goodies and they opened the gifts before school. Lily apparently liked the powder a little toooo much because it was allll over her nose as she was trying to smell it! ha!
And...sweet SP sent Lex a 'Happy Valentine's' text before school this morning. I thought I would snap a picture of some of their conversation! He asked her to sit by him at lunch! The sweetest! They are both super excited to meet and exchange gifts tomorrow with each other! :)
AND...I got this adorable picture this morning from a dear co-worker. This is her son, Jack! I got this little outfit for him and it is perfect for Valentine's day! It says...'I stole your heart!' SUPER adorable!
And..thought this was funny too! Another sweet co worker gave me a big thing of strawberries for Valentine's day. So, I took a picture and sent it to her of me about to eat one! can read the text I sent her.....and what happened when Tyler saw the strawberries! TOOOO funny!
So this guy and I had a low key Valentines! Nan and Pawpaw treated the girls to dinner so we had the night to ourselves! He is my forever Valentine and I am thankful for him!

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