Saturday, February 2, 2019

OH Phil!


Phil didnt see his shadow today! HAPPY Ground Hogs day to us! :)


Fingers crossed, that ground hog is correct and Spring is ON its WAY!

If everyday could be like would be awesome!

We stayed outside and just soaked up the warmth and sunshine! OH, it was just what we needed!

OH I loved my view today as we took a walk around our neighborhood! I love our neighborhood and...these two in front of me too! It was SUCH a wonderful day to be outside today! So thankful!
I HAD to take a picture...this sweet one wanted to hold my hand as we walked! Melted my HEART! We walked and chatted....and had the best time!
THIS! There are two trees in our front yard that bloom super earlier than any other trees around. Well, they are just beautiful and I love looking at them, especially when they are blooming like that are right now! BUT..the craziest of things....the BEES love them too! OH my goodness!!! hear the is something! We walked almost our entire neighborhood today....and didnt hear ANY bees....yet as soon as we got close to our house, we could hear the buzzing immediately! It is creepy yet cool at the same time! 
These two played outside and just enjoyed the day! Daddy and I did some pine straw in the yard while they played. We made a quick visit to Sam Parker since he was bit by a dog {on the leg} at a birthday party to give him a 'get well quick' goodie bag before heading to Germania Springs to finish out the day!
LOVE! :)

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