Sunday, October 6, 2019

20 years!


This football season....20 years ago, would have been mine and Tyler's!

It seems like a lifetime ago yet just yesterday too!

Oh, those were the 'good ole days' for sure! To see how much my life has changed and grown in these twenty years since high school is just amazing to me! To think about allll I have been through, all the memories I hold dear in my heart. Makes me get teary eyed!

So, when I found out there was a 'throwback' pep rally happening Friday, I decided I needed to dust off my cheering skills and go!

Now, I have to say....Saks has changed so much. The school spirit just isnt the same, the atmosphere just wasnt like it used to be. It made me sad. BUT, I had a blast! The girls that I havent seen in years...and I mean 20 years {for some of them} was just so awesome!

It was like riding a bike. I picked up...we picked up like it was just yesterday that we were out there in the middle of that pep rally!

We owned it! We killed it! Not going to lie, we blew the current cheerleaders out of the water!

20 years later....this guy and I...well, I would say we have done pretty well! Two Saks '00 grads...coming back to our Alma mater to say....yep!...look at us now! Lex was super sad to not get to come but she had 3 tests. So, boo...but that is what happens when you are in 'big' grades...{per Lily!} :)
Tammy and I! Living our glory days!
Love my beautiful little family!
Look at us now!
Ohh....the fight song! Just like yesterday!
Get up on this! Not a pep rally without it!
We blew the current cheerleaders OUT! We killed this!
Pure happiness! :)
One of my favorite pictures!
Tyler snapped some awesome shots!
Yeah...I was super sore...and still am...with doing this a good bit while there! Whew, I felt my age! :)
Getting the crowd ready for 'Go Cats Go!'
We killed this too! :)
The kids went crazy when we started flipping! I think they were shocked that we could do it! ha!
See these faces! These faces were faces that earned the title to be Varsity. She had standards and were held to a higher rank that to be a cheerleader you had to act a certain way, to show class and respect.

We did that.

We had that.

We showed how Saks used to be and should get back to!

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