Wednesday, October 23, 2019

A little BOO to you!

A look into life lately!

We have been in the same routine of school, homework, tests, gymnastics, dance, church, cheer and repeat....just mixed with trying to stay warm!

My goodness this cold snap needs to pass!

I just dont get how we can go from 90's to 40's so quickly!

Lily has been wearing some of her Halloween cuteness this week since it is the week before!

Alexis is just TOO grown,now, to want to dress in fun Halloween attire! I do realize I {maybe} have a year left until Lily no longer wants to either. BOO! :(

A leopard witch for Monday!
Lily was in her purple and green that matched the mantle on Tuesday before school and dance on this day!
And tonight!..after school, gymnastics and church...the girls 'BOO' D' Ryker, Ridge and Collins and Jack! We started this tradition last year and the girls LOVE it! So, we loaded up....I slowly pulled up to each house..and they took off and each had a house. They ran,quickly, up the porch...rang the doorbell, threw the gift down and took off! :) :)
READY to go BOO! I texted Mrs. Kristi {Collins and Jack's Mom} that Lily was coming and to hide and scare her when she ran up!
OH....I wish I would have videoed it! Lily took off out of my car....ran really really fast up to their porch. Right when she rang the door bell and was about to take off back to the car....Kristi jumped out and scared the MESS out of her! She screamed SO loud! It was absolutely hilarious!
Lily didnt think it was funny once Kristi busted me and Lily found out I put Kristi up to it! :) FUN memory for sure! :)

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