Saturday, October 19, 2019

A Friday night Halloween birthday!

Callie turned 8 yesterday so we celebrated her at the Fritts with all of our buddies!

Some of the crew all dressed in their Halloween gear!
Alexis was toooo busy with her friends to slow down and let me snap a picture of them. Sydney, Alexis, Willa Kate, Carli, Reese and Sara Kate had fun 'hanging out' together during Callie's party too!
This little Thunder bird is adorable!
Ella and Lily were partners to make each other mummies!
Lily won! She wrapped Ella SUPER fast! ha!
This was hilarious! Seeing all the kiddos trying to eat the doughnut with no hands! Cracked me up!
She tried and tried!
And...tried to cheat and use her hands! ha!
Then....they had to try and guess what was in the 'haunted bowls!' ha! Carrie hit the nail on the head with this! They all loved it and were screaming and saying yuck as they stuck their hands in! It was things like 'brains'...or noodles....etc! :)
Us parents enjoyed hanging out while they all had a blast making Callie feel special on her special day!

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