Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Haunted forest and allll the Fall festivals!

We have been soaking up alll the Halloween fun!

We LOVE Halloween week!

Tyler says Halloween is my favorite holiday.....

I have to say...

it is close!

Tyler has been wanting to try out the Haunted Forest in Jacksonville for a long time now as one of his employees runs it with their family. We have had it planned {weather permitting} to go with the Mobb's family! So, Monday night we MADE it! We tried out the new restaurant Calhoun's and then hit the forest!
Dinner was good. Im glad we tried it out as we have been waiting since it opened! It has just been sooo crowded that we didnt want to even try!

Then the Haunted forest was fun! It was just a family who loves Halloween that put it on so it really wasnt that scary but it was a good memory maker....and a chance for the girls to do something since they have been wanting to do a haunted house, etc!
Picture before we were allll toooo scared to take one before we went in! I am not sure WHAT happened in this picture.....BUT where is MY face!?! It looks like I only have eyes on my face! ha! It is the strangest thing to me!
Fall Festival fun with Pearson!
Me and my girl! Tyler and Alexis stayed home for this because Alexis has just SO much homework...even with it being the week of Halloween! 3 IXL's, a paper, a poem and 2 tests so far this week! A big BOO! So Lily and I had girl time with a quick dinner and then we hit the festivals!
Allll the friends!
Allll the trunks! So fun!
There were a ton of really cute and creative trunks! This is Ashley's! She did a Chic-fila trunk..of course!
We love our Miss Brittany and her trunk was super cute! We found these two 'big girls' so we grabbed a picture as they were asking me where Alexis was!
Then we ran home...and Lily actually changed into her 'real' costume and we grabbed Alexis and headed to JSU. We always love this event and this year they changed locations and made it so much bigger! It was a perfection of a night and we had so much fun!
Allll the games!...and allll the candy!
Two cute pies!
Poor Reese...my flash was too bright for her when I took the picture! ha!
Two of the crayons!
Lily loved playing all the games!
I love the color crayon she chose!
We love JSU!
This is my most favorite picture! I love allll these sweet kiddos like they are my own! And....BIG bonus...most all of them are smiling and looking at me! SCORE! :)

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