Friday, November 1, 2019

Wrapping up our Halloween week!

Of course with it being Halloween week our cute Halloween attire was in order!

Alexis didnt participate as she felt she was too grown but she did throw in a pumpkin shirt one day and then wore her 'M' shirt on Halloween to commemorate the occasion!  :) 

Monday! The beginning of the cuteness! much more cuteness!
Wednesday! HUMP day and one day left until Halloween!
After work and school we went to the JSU Caf to enjoy their Halloween dinner! We have loved this tradition each year and it never disappoints! These three had fun eating and were being super silly! Also...notice Lily's dessert! Yeah...she mushed a rice krispy treat into an icec ream cone!
When we were leaving they had a bobbing for ducks Halloween game. Lily won a prize! A cute witch!
The Messer's came over and watched as we carved our pumpkins!...Lily showed off her prize!
My little pumpkin and me!
Lily worked hard on her pumpkin! She drew it so well!
Daddy worked on carving Lily's while Alexis drew her design! Camille and Madelyn chose the design for our third pumpkin so I worked on that one!
Lily even helped take out the 'guts' and didnt once say anything about it being 'yucky' this year like she has done in the past!
And..the final products! Alexis, Lily's and Camille and Madelyns!
They were super proud!
Then we went in and made Halloween bark! SOOO cute and sooooo yummy!
Loved how it turned out and its ready for Halloween!
Thursday...and its HALLOWEEN! Whoop whoop!

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