Friday, November 1, 2019


One of my most favorite nights of the year!

Halloween is just SO fun and I just love it!

We had a blast as usual!

The weather worked out, thank goodness! The rain went away...the cold did set in but we were nice and bundled up so that didnt stop us.....or our friends and family....or the crowd! :)

We had the best night!

I just love my invitations for Halloween! It gets us in the Halloween spirit! :)
Dinner was ready...and then the crowd hit! Bloody eyeballs and green brain spaghetti was ready, chicken cheese dip, salad, chicken noodle soup and MORE! :)
These girls just could not wait to set out!
 Then...Alexis was OFF to Carli's to meet the other M & M's!
Love this crew!
Grey came! Sweet baby!
He loved Halloween!
The two bestest crayons around!
The Ray crew came too!
Flo showed up...and a bag of jelly beans! :)
We all had the best night! Collins was my super helper! She helped give out candy with me! My garage was the happening place to stay out of the cold!
These crew took off for some candy!
And they saw alot of fun decor!
I just LOVE our neighborhood! I just do!
Oh sweet Collins! She helped me the entire night! She would just 'stand watch' like this waiting on kids to come! When she would see them...9 out of 10 times she would take off running to them to give them candy before they were even half-way up the drive-way! ha!
The people the trick or treat know to walk for safety and not drive but we do have some that fill up trailers {which is great, I think and they go slow so it is okay} Well, I just loved this one that stopped!
And....hhhmmm....THIS! This guy had to bend down to fit under my garage! He was THAT tall....and OH my scary!
Later...this crew came running up! They had the BEST time trick or treating all together!
And....THIS crew had the best time too! Dont think for one minute that they let the big kids out do them! :)
So much fun!

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