Friday, November 29, 2019

Thankful 2019!

So much to be thankful for on this Thanksgiving!

Truly blessed and grateful for what God has chosen for my life! Friends, family, work, happiness, love and more!
We had the best lunch with the Law side at Garfredricks in Oxford! YUM-O!
Then we headed to Birmingham yesterday afternoon to LaLa's house for more Thanksgiving YUM! ALLLL the food!
Meg is a pro at her cookies! I love taking pictures of them because they are just toooo pretty to eat!
This crazy crew!
The guys didnt want to be included in the picture I took a picture of them...around the TV watching football! :)
Then..I laughed SO hard! Lily decided to open her very own hair studio! Meg did her's first and then the rest of the time..Lily did everyone else's hair! :)
The deep concentration face as she worked hard to 'make it beautiful!'
Doing a 'perfect' messy bun! :)
Blake's home! Whoop whoop! We missed Margie but enjoyed seeing him! Lily enjoyed fixing his 'surfer boy' hair! :)

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