Saturday, November 23, 2019

3 Things!

I love doing 3 things posts...I just dont know why it takes me so long in between doing them!

So, let's get started!

1. THIS girl! She is a lego loving, Aubie Momming, hover board riding, craft 'project' making, can't keep her room uncluttered and organized, scrunchie loving girl that is just growing up SO fast! Notice allllllll the scrunchies on her wrists!  She is a VSCO girl for SURE and proud of it! Now....I do not fully understand what a 'VSCO' girl is but it involves: scrunchies, saving turtles, saying things like....'and I oop' and 'sksksk!'.....having a 'hydroflask' {a fancy water bottle} among other silly descriptions! She has jumped in on the VSCO girl trend and bringing the 80's scrunchies back in action!

2. She has lost both her front teeth! It is the CUTEST thing ever and though you cant see the big gap in this shines BRIGHT with her infectious smile and laugh! She keeps us laughing with her funny jokes and her silly sayings! For example....'Why are the stadiums soooo cold?!?!?'.....'because of the fans!' :) :) That one is her favorite right now since its football season! ha!

3. She is an outdoor loving girl! She is constantly outside doing some sort of something since we have been having some great weather especially!


1. THIS girl! She is more into fashion than I ever knew someone could! The original 'VSCO' girl in the house!...this one! She can put on make-up {both on herself and everyone else} better than a professional make-up artist in my opinion! She is constantly learning and watching videos on 'new looks!'

2. She is in NO shape or form a 'kid' anymore! What I mean by a drop of wanting anything to do with cartoons....anything to do with 'toys'....nothing to do with anything that is 'baby.' She didnt even want to watch the new Frozen 2 movie that is now out! Heart broken but so love how she is growing into a beautiful young lady!

3. She could stay on her IPAD and text and Facetime her friends every minute of every day if I let her! She will even sneak and get her IPAD at night when she is supposed to be asleep and then keep it and in the mornings when we think she is still asleep...nope we go in there and she is talking to someone! OH the phase of thinking her friends know it all and I know nothing is in full force! OH the joy! :)

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