Friday, November 15, 2019

An awesome date night....and Riley!

Tyler and I had a great night, last night, supporting Riley Green!

It was cold and raining...but that did not stop us!

Tyler and I headed to the baseball stadium to enjoy dinner, friends and hearing Riley play!

We had the best night...and much needed date night!

Tyler and I had all access VIP passes so to say the VIP get treated well, that is an understatement! We took advantage! :)
Riley played several of his most popular songs for the VIP so it was great to hear my favorite songs before the concert started and before he had to leave to do the meet and greet, etc!
So, I didnt want to stand in the long line to do the meet and I just chalked it up that I wasnt going to get to say hello to him. I have met him before, briefly, but not in a 'concert' setting.

Well, I come out of the bathroom before we headed to our seats and Tyler goes, 'Amber, Riley just passed me and you missed it!' I totally didnt believe him because I thought he was joking because he knew that I had wanted to meet him earlier. Well about that time, Riley pops around the corner and I am shocked! ha! I got to grab a picture with him and say hello.....and ask him how cool was it to be at the CMA awards the night before in Nashville.... {SUPER cool he was there the night before} ....before he left to make his way to the stage!
My.night.was.made.    :)
Tyler goes...'I knew you wouldnt believe me!' :)  Im a believer now! ha! :)
We had perfect seats! We were under the overhang so we stayed nice and dry! And because we came out right before Riley played...we stayed nice and warm in the other area. Perfection of a night!
Riley put on a great show! He played Dixie Land Delight with Randy Owens!.....which was outstanding! Then he also played with Jim Folsom, and Mr. Folsom actually sang with Riley and they sang Johnny Cash's song Folsom prison! That was awesome! Tyler was thrilled because he loves that song and Johnny Cash!
I found Mobbs! We had to grab a picture together because it seems we are becoming concert best friends! :)
Thanks to Nan and Pawpaw for holding the fort down at home! The girls enjoyed dinner with them and then headed home to homework, baths and bed while we were enjoying the night!

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