Saturday, November 9, 2019

The last game and our Saturday!

C-Team played SO hard today but lost in overtime.

They have had a great season and Lily has loved cheering!

I have to has been a long kind of glad for a break! :)

Now we are home and enjoying this beautiful Fall crisp Saturday!...about to watch the much anticipated LSU vs UA game! Auburn is off this week but BOY we are ready for the game that is about to start!
Madelyn rode to the game with us and Lily had fun chatting with her!
This snaggle tooth cheerleader at her last game as a C-Teamer! She will be B-Team next year!
Here we GO Eagles!
Doing their thing!
The 3 Amigos! We have had fun in the stands this season together! Carli and Molly crashed our picture! :) And...Gran came and supported Lily today and so did Nan and Pawpaw to finish the season strong!
WK and Lex spent the rest of the afternoon doing everything under the sun!...from this to riding scooters, jumping on the trampoline, dancing, singing, you name it...they kept busy!
Then...we got another knock on our door.....and it was Hope! So...Lily had to change and put on her Under Armour to match! :) They were super excited to be 'twins!' They did everything under the sun too! I pray that both girls has friends that dont have to even let us know...they just show up and fall right into like our own! I love our neighborhood for that reason alone! Nothing better than a pile of bikes and scooters in our front yard from sweet friends popping over! :)
 Such a beautiful Fall day! Look at those leaves!...and that cute hover-board girl! :)
 This was our backyard view! Notice a bunch of girls on the trampoline!?!
Then....we all ate the smoked Boston butt that Tyler smoked alllll night and then the BEST part! They roasted and roasted and roasted! :)
We all enjoyed the LSU vs UA game while eating and roasting and playing!
WK and Hope CRACKED me UP! They were SO into the game and were just soooo hoping UA would pull out the win! It was a great game...but when the game was over and LSU won...they were sooo funny! By this point we were inside. Well they both laid on my floor and crawled around like worms going....this is what we do when we are sad! You just had to be there to see what they were doing and how they were acting! I got them good when I made the comment...'So this is how Alabama fans act when they loose!?!?!' TOO funny! :)
And....SUPER funny! Since Tyler is 2 for 2 this week on pulling teeth...Hope begggggged him to pull her tooth! Then Alexis begggged him to pull her tooth NEXT!
Sad for both of them.....neither tooth was actually ready to be pulled! haha! We had a great and low key night at home with sweet little friends!

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